Digital Oil Painting
Frame Types
Matte Laminated Frames
Canvas Frames
Wooden glass Frames
Fiber Glass Frames
Frequently asked questions
How to Order
1. We take an advance payment to confirm the order.
2.Then we start the Digital Oil Painting.
3.We will send you a soft copy of the art
(This will take two working days./except Sunday)
1 person and two person drawing will take two working to draw and complete the order.
Family( More than two person) paintigs will take more time to complete.
4. The customer confirms the digital oil painting.
5.Receipt of balance Payment.
6.Send to courier service for printing, framing and delivery.
Payment Methods
Bank Deposit
Online Bank Transfer
Ez Cash
Credit/Debit Card Payment
Delivery Time
Normally 5-7 days will take for standard painting.
Delivery Methods & Delivery Cost
Standard Courier service delivery ( Free Delivery)
Pickme Flash / Uber Parcel Delivery (Additional Charge will apply)